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Crazy Bibliophile and Book Pimp (Not So Anonymous)

I am a mother of two boys and avid reader; I practically live and breathe books. If I could sustain my life on just reading, I would live forever. I'm weird, and proud of it. I have traveled to many places: Mexico, St. Marteen, Prague, England, Cozumel, and Canada to name a few. Many moons ago I co-hosted "Welcome to Insanity" radio show on a micro radio station in TX- but our show was played via streaming internet in coffee houses in Amsterdam. I have a BA in theater. I used to be "the finder of lost things" but I think my last child robbed me of my gift. Now I just have a large collection of useless information... it goes with my growing mountain of "to be read" books

Currently reading

The Hooker and the Hermit
Penny Reid, Luci Cosway
The Suicide Princess
Anthony Bryan
Rise of the Magi (Lila Gray, #3)
Jocelyn Adams
Caged (Holloway Pack, #3)
J.A. Belfield

What if One Book Destroyed an Entire Series?

Allegiant  - Veronica Roth

I listened to the audio version of Allegiant from October 23 to 24, 2013...

My Initial Reaction:
Hrm. Gotta mull this one over. Not happy. 1-2♥'s... can't quite decide between the two yet.

Edit 11/1/13: (Reaction a week after reading)
I've decided, due to each passing day causing an increase in loathing for this book... it's officially going down to one star. If I could, I'd only give it .1♥'s (although with the WONDERFUL ½♥ magic of Booklikes I WAS able to give it only .5♥- and that just about make my day), maybe mixed with some negative stars for the complete loss of faith in this writer and series.

It becomes more and more sour the more time passes. The entire series has been devastated for me, and cannot be re-read. Doubt I'll see the movie; with the ending of the series, what's the point of the slow torture?  Although, I have to admit, I resisted the movie Titanic for ages just because it's no guess how the movie would end, right?  Or better comparison- the movie Open Water.  That was the most pointless 1-2 hours of slow torture of a movie, ever.  Allegiant is worse than all that, because I had the time to ADORE the first books and fall in love with the characters and then that final book just stomps all over everything.

In regard to the use of Two POV: While I liked 'seeing' into Four's head... I didn't think what I saw there really matched up to his character/personality from the first two books. (I haven't read the novella from his POV, so this is the first chance I've had to 'see' into his head.) I've heard many readers got confused as to 'who' was speaking at any given time, but listening to the audio and having a male a female narrator really alleviated that fact. In all honesty, I really think Four's manhood was stolen by this book.

I'll give one prop to Veronica Roth, she certainly goes balls-to-the-wall on her 'vision' for the series. No pulling punches- she goes ALL OUT.

I didn't come up with this thought, but it sums everything up everything nicely without spoilers:

Veronica Roth:
You are dauntless. I wish you had been more abnegation. Thanks for destroying the series.


OK... I have to add just ONE spoiler-ish thought at the end here:

I wish I had been able to get my hands on that memory serum  and take it myself so I could wipe out this final book of the series from my memory.

(show spoiler)